• Sell to us

    Have some analog equipment to sell us? Let us know by filling out the contact form below!

    We are always looking for new gear to give a second life. Whether it's a single item or a full collection, we are happy to help you.

    We recommend providing a list and/or pictures of the items you want to sell. This enables us to give you a better estimate from the start. You can email us at info@clicquecamera.com or send us a message on social media @clicquecameraco (Facebook & Instagram)

  • How does it work?


    Tell us what you're looking to sell. If you're not sure, or have photos of the equipment to send over - let us know. We'll reply as soon as we can with an estimate.


    We can visit you (Belgium only) or you can mail us the item(s) in question. Once received, our standard procedure is to itemise everything when checking and testing. We then individually grade and give all items a final price for you.

    3. PAYMENT

    We pay you and that's it!

    4. RETURNS

    If you don't want to accept our final quote, we can return any or all your equipment.

    If you do not need the items back, we can always use them as donors to save broken gear.

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